Blog / What the funk is this site anyway?

by Miika Sikala 2021-05-20 03:03:07

Hello, whoever you are.

This site started as a demonstration of Alpaca PHP Framework which is a little project I have been working on and off for a few years now. Alpaca has evolved into pretty useful little framework. It has a neat and quite capable routing system, query builder and support for middleware. The first and probably the most useful middleware is Authentication Middleware which is used to, well, authenticate users. It's still far from perfect. I have been planning to rewrite the query builder, viewing/rendering system and actually many other parts but that's nothing new, that's just how it usually goes...

Oh, and I use the nickname Spacha all over the internet so this site is kind of my home page.

lofi girl
Finnish Lo-fi girl by Spacha.
